Simplify to Amplify

Simplify to Amplify

April 03, 20233 min read

We have all been there, feeling like opportunities will slip through our fingers if we don’t chase everything. You never know what’s going to work out, right?


Being always in a hedging mentality never helps. Life really gets better once you narrow down your list of priorities to only the most vital and important few, and give that list your full attention and extraordinary focus.

The rule is quite simple:

Do less more often and get better at it. Simplicity is key.


As you get older and wiser, try to simplify every area of your life from grocery shopping to your most complicated relationships.

Step by step, start removing drama, unproductive relationships and unnecessary noise from your life. Repeat the cycle over and over again until you feel good and are surrounded with light, clarity and positivity. It is possible, you might just need a bit of time and practice implementing the necessary steps.

First step

Is to figure out what those most important things are.

What are your core values and how do they tie into all aspects of your life (emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial)?

The list doesn't need to be perfect. In fact, when you start, it's recommended to list everything that comes to mind, then group a few things together, and you will see patterns and trends, eventually, narrowing down to a list of core 3 or 5 that you can focus on daily.

It is always better to start with a smaller list and expand once the habit of focusing on those things is formed.

In the beginning, have a handful of things you can pour everything into and go from there.

Second step

Is to focus and learn to say no to extra things.

Add to your list mindfully and don't overdo it.


Sometimes the more successful you become, the more you forget what made you successful in the first place and you start doing all the additional things that take away your energy and time, while offering only minor benefits.

Remind yourself to get back to your roots and focus on what you actually want to do.

Why are you saying yes?

What are you going to get out of those opportunities?

What are you trying to achieve?

Are you doing work just to keep yourself busy?

Are you chasing vanity metrics?

Are you comparing yourself to others and do things others are doing?


Third step

Would be to audit yourself and to figure out your strengths and weaknesses.

The most successful people focus on amplifying their strengths and manage their weaknesses, and you should do the same.

Sometimes it’s better to stick to core 3 things and be laser focused on those things that you are better at than anyone else. Double down your efforts on getting even better at something you are already good at, and manage your weak points.

You can always outsource the activities you are not great at and hire people who are way better than you are. This approach saves your time and energy so you can stay focused on a few things that you are great at. It allows you to perfect your skills and get even better.

Try implementing these steps in every aspect of your life whether it is a work project, a side hustle, a sports team you are a part of, your house chores or life with your significant other.

Not being laser focused on only a few core things, means that you are not fully dedicated.

Spreading yourself too thin never adds value, and often leaves you too exhausted, without energy and rarely satisfied.

Be responsible for your own attention and use your energy wisely.

You cannot be great at everything, and there will always be people better than you.

Find your niche, discover your strengths and focus on perfecting those.

Don’t do the things that everyone expects you to do and focus on improving a few things that you are good at and that really matter.

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